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Updates on my ribs, skiing, fishing and such

Hi and thanks for checking in!

Well my memory could be off, but I swear that there were no more than two days above 60 degrees last summer and nearly constant drizzle here in Anchorage. I accepted cold, sad summer as a reality, and I hate (love) to say it but the people who told me “it’s not always like this” are looking more credible this year. It’s been quite nice and spirits are high. I appreciate rain, but not cold rain, and not constant rain, and definitely not both. But I’m not too picky..

Anyway, here are some updates.

Skiing, Training

I’ve been in my normal summer rhythm, training with a mix of rollerskiing, trail running, weight room strength, and some mountain biking. A couple weeks ago, I was running with bear spray in the chest pocket of my vest, and I tripped on something in the trail. I slammed down onto my bear spray canister and unfortunately banged up my ribs.

I’m not sure if I bruised or maybe fractured something, but I had to take it easy on all activities that bothered my ribs (every activity) for a while. They didn’t hurt too bad as long as I didn’t move, breath, smile, or enjoy my day. Luckily they’re healing up. I’m feeling extra grateful for the folks at Advanced Physical Therapy these days. I've temporarily stopped running with bear spray, but do not tell the bears that.

In more fun news, I did a hill climb race on Bird Ridge where I was 4th (woman), spectated an epic race, Mount Marathon, on the 4th of July which I hope to do next year, and am most looking forward to our team’s Eagle Glacier training camp later this summer. We’ll take a helicopter up there and ski to our hearts content if all goes to plan. Updates to come.

Running up Bird Ridge on a sunny day

Work, or lack thereof 

I have moved on after a wonderful 2 years working for Central Cross Country Skiing (CXC) in Sport Development/fundraising. I am grateful to have worked with great people and to have contributed to some exciting projects including the development of the new CXC Outdoor Center. The passion of the Central ski community is palpable and contagious, and I am proud to have been a small part of it. 

This is the first time in my ski career that I haven’t been a full-time student or a full-time employee, and it’s a fun adventure to give all my energy to ski training for a bit. 

It is certainly a little scary to go all-in and eliminate excuses and backup plans, but it feels good to give everything during this odd little window of life where I’m trying to find my potential in ski racing. I’m grateful to do this and even more grateful for the support that allows it.

Lots of this these days

Alaskan summer

With the help of some generous and patient fisherman-friends, I managed to snag 4 sockeye salmon in Seward. My freezer is now full of fish and I’m eating like a queen while supplies last. I'm having a good summer, and it's nice to feel more settled this year. I’ll put some pictures and captions below.

The fishing scene in Seward

Some outfit coordination with my lovely housemate Aine.

Public use cabins are one of my favorite parts of Alaska so far. We canoe portaged out to this one in the Nancy Lakes Recreation Area

Wildflowers, sunshine, mountains of Glen Alps. Hard to be grumpy in this setting! despite my best efforts

H3 Hawaii Reggae Band Concert was one of the best concerts I've been to. With good company

Salmon, mushrooms, rice, brussel sprouts mmmm. Canceled out with ice cream shortly after

Sourdough waffles, fruit, nespresso. This pic caught me mid-bite on a pleasant morning in Girdwood.

I hope you’re having a great summer yourself, and nice of you to check in.

Til next time,


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1 Comment

Jul 15

Hi Renae!! Ouch about the ribs! Hope they ae feeling better! Enjoyed catching up on your blogs! Appreciate your core exercises as i work on improving mine this summer!! Miss you!💜

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